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English translation

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GREEN DRAMA | Slovak Drama in Translation (
(Pavol Weiss, Adriana Krúpová, Dušan Vicen, Uršuľa Kovalyk, Miklós Forgács, Dodo Gombár, Peter Janků, Gabriela Alexová, Kamil Žiška, Marek Godovič, Slavka Civáňová, Jana Micenková, Dušan Poliščák, Tomáš Procházka, Samuel Chovanec)
GREEN DRAMA supports new stage texts addressing ecology, environmental and nature protection. We are convinced that these themes deserve further attention in contemporary theatre.
Some texts are poetic, some visionary. Some are inspired by real events. They portrait the current state of affairs and raise the pressing question of where we are bound to be heading towards, if we don’t start acting right now.
The project has brought together fifteen playwrights from Slovakia, and three dramaturges – Vladislava Fekete, Andrea Domeová and Miriam Kičiňová. We are delighted that the project facilitated the emergence of fifteen stage texts with their universal appeal.
Graphic design and layout (Slovak edition): Martin Mistrík (
Illustrations (Slovak edition): Mirka Rudášová
Translation into English: Lucia Faltinová
Editor (English edition): Martina Vannayová