The Presentation, Education and Marketing Centre
The Presentation, Education and Marketing Centre at the Theatre Institute provides complete performance of the secretariat of the Theatre Institute collaborating with all the scientific departments following the aims of the organization’s activity, it keeps the central list of written records, it takes care of their preservation and storage, it keeps the communication between the Theatre Institute and its founder, the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic. It collaborates with other scientific departments in the projects and activities of the Theatre Institute. It deals with recruitment of new employees, it takes part in updating of novelised internal documents, regulations and directives of the Theatre Institute, it focuses on fulfilling the activities following Government’s resolutions, it takes care of implementing acts within the condition of the organization, it works out basic material for annual assessments of the organization, data and declarations of tasks given by the superior bodies. Collaborating with the Financial Department and professionals it provides basic data and executes orders of goods and services in the form of public acquisition. It makes sure that the conditions of health protection in work and of fire protection were observed as well as the key regime of the organization. It prepares contracts and watch their observation, it controls the attendance of its employees, provides transport of its employees and the partners of the Theatre Institute during local or foreign business trips and events, as well as the transport of publications and exhibition materials of the Theatre Institute to the events executed by the Theatre Institute.
Head of the Presentation and Marketing Centre
Mgr. Dominika Zaťková