Vladislava Fekete
(1973, Bačka Palanka, Serbia)
Graduated in dramaturgy from the Department of Theatre Direction at the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava under the leadership of Professor Ľubomír Vajdička. In 2009, she also completed her doctoral studies there.
Her professional focus is on cultural management, direction, dramaturgy, literary translation, theory and criticism of contemporary theatre and drama.
Since 6 July 2006, she has been the director of the Theatre Institute in Bratislava, as well as the director of the Nová dráma/New Drama festival of Slovak and international drama.
She initiated the foundation of the Centre for Theatre Research as part of which she started several projects focusing on the research of the history of Slovak theatre and drama; the establishment of the new journal about theatre called kød – concretely øn theatre; and numerous projects supporting new Slovak drama for children and adults, as well as the promotion of Slovak theatre in the country and abroad, or the nationwide event Theatre Night and the Biennale of Theatre Photography.
She has written several dramatic texts for the theatre and radio, as well as television screenplays. As a director and dramaturg, she has focused on newer European drama (Biljana Srbljanović, Nebojša Romčević, Igor Bauersima, Enda Walsh, among others).
She has translated contemporary Serbian playwrights from Serbian (Tanja Šljivar, Biljana Srbljanović, Milena Marković, Maja Pelević, Milena Bogavac, etc.), as well as theory (Introduction to Performance Studies by Aleksandra Jovićević and Anya Vujanović). She has edited several collections of contemporary Slovak and Vojvodina drama.
She has coordinated profile presentations of Slovak theatre abroad (Korea, USA, Japan, India, Slovenia, Hungary, Poland, Serbia, Russia, Spain, Finland, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Belgium, etc.). She has collaborated with theatre festivals in Slovakia and abroad.
Since 2016, she has worked at the Department of Theatre Studies. Her current pedagogical work includes the teaching of the following courses: Drama Theory, Analysis of Dramatic Text, Introduction to Theatre Theory and Research, and Theatre Criticism Proseminar.
Selected bibliography
Book monographs
a. editor and author
- FEKETE, Vladislava. Nova slovačka drama (New Slovak Drama). Novi Sad : Sterijino pozorje, 2018, 264 pages. ISBN 978-86-85145-60-5.
- FEKETE, Vladislava. [editorial board] Tretia etapa v rozvoji Divadelného ústavu (od polovice 90. rokov až po súčasnosť) (The Third Stage in the Development of the Theatre Institute (from mid 1990s until the present)). In Theatre Institute 1961 – 2011. Bratislava: Theatre Institute, 2011, pp. 57–79, ISBN 978-80-89369-33-1.
International book collections
a. editor
- FEKETE, Vladislava – ULIČIANSKA, Zuzana. Súčasná dráma a performatívny priestor: od textu k imerznému divadlu / Contemporary Drama and Performative Space: From Playwriting to Immersive Theatre. Zborník z medzinárodnej konferencie na festivale Nová dráma/New Drama 2017. Contributions from the international conference held on the Festival Nová dráma/New Drama 2017. Bratislava: Theatre Institute, 2018, 162 pages. ISBN 978-80-8190-035-8.
b. contribution author
- FEKETE, Vladislava. Conserving Fleetingness. In KRAKOWSKA, Joanna – ODIJA, Daria. Platform East European Performing Arts Companion. Lublin–Warsaw: Adam Mickiewicz Institute, Centre for Culture in Lublin, Institute of Arts of the Polish Academy of Sciences, City of Lublin, 2016. First Edition — ISBN 978-83-60263-46-4, pp. 416–428. Collective monograph.
- FEKETE, Vladislava. Slovakia. In International Theatre Institute. The World of Theatre 2017 Edition. An account of the world´s theatre seasons 2013–2014 and 2014–2015. Dhaka: Bangladesh Centre od ITI, International Theatre Institute, 2017. Ed. Ramendu Majumdar, Mofidul Hoque, pp. 156–164, ISSN: 1564-2208.
- FEKETE, Vladislava. Eastern Europe Performing Arts Platform – Questionnaire. In: KEIL, Marta et al. EEPAP Report: The Organisation of Performing Arts in Eastern European Countries. 2nd revised and extended edition, Warsaw: Adam Mickiewicz Institute, 2013, pp. 327–334. ISBN 978-83-60263-87-6.
- FEKETE, Vladislava. Contemporary Theatre in Slovakia – Three Progressive Seasons. In The World of Theatre, 2013.
- FEKETE, Vladislava. Théâtre slovaque: questions d´actualité. In Le monde du Théâtre. Édition 2011. Brussels: P.I.E. Peter Lang s. a., 2011, pp. 417–425. ISBN 978-90-5201-729-7.
Book collections published in Slovakia
a. co-author and editor
- FEKETE, Vladislava – KOBLIŠKOVÁ, Zuzana – DAUBRAVA Miroslav – TIMKO, Martin. Malé múzeum s veľkou zbierkou / A small museum with a large collection. Sprievodca múzeom Divadelného ústavu / A guide to the museum of the Theatre Institute. The Theatre Institute : Bratislava, 2015, 978-80-89369-74-4.
b. editor
- FEKETE, Vladislava – DOMEOVÁ, Andrea. Plays: Roland Schimmelpfennig: Bratislava : Theatre Institute, 2018, 280 pages. ISBN 978-80-8190-032-7.
c. contribution author
- FEKETE, Vladislava. Audience strategies. In Súčasná dráma a performatívny priestor: od textu k imerznému divadlu / Contemporary Drama and Performative Space: From Playwriting to Immersive Theatre. Zborník z medzinárodnej konferencie na festivale Nová dráma/New Drama 2017. Contributions from the international conference held on the Festival Nová dráma/New Drama 2017. Bratislava : Theatre Institute, 2018. pp. 7 – 11. ISBN 978-80-8190-035-8.
- FEKETE, Vladislava. Contemporary Slovak Theatre and The Theatre Institute. In THEATRE.SK, Bratislava : Theatre Institute, 2018, ISBN 978-80-8190-036-5.
- FEKETE, Vladislava. Tri podoby moderného divadla (Three Forms of Modern Theatre). In 3 x s. Zborník prednášok o inscenáciách 21. storočia (Three Times With: Collection of Lectures on 21st Century Productions). Bratislava – Bátovce : Pôtoň Theatre – National Edification Centre, 2015, pp. 223–249, ISBN 978-80-972159-8-9.
- FEKETE, Vladislava. Laboratórium novej drámy (Laboratory of New Drama). In Ódy či frašky? (Ode or Farce?) (Európska únia očami drámy)(European Union Through the Eyes of Drama). Bratislava: Theatre Institute, 2015, pp. 1–5. ISBN 978-80-89369-86-7.
- FEKETE, Vladislava. Zápas o emancipovanú dramaturgiu (A Struggle for Emancipated Dramaturgy). In Nová dramaturgia, nový dramaturg. Zborník prednášok z konferencie 14. – 15. 5. 2013 (New Dramaturgy, New Dramaturg. A Proceedings of Lectures from the Conference on 14-15 May 2013). The Theatre Institute : Bratislava, 2013, pp. 7–14, ISBN 978-80-89369-64-5.
- FEKETE, Vladislava. Ján Kroner – SOULTRIP. In Elixír smiechu. Jozef Kroner a Kronerovci (The Elixir of Laughter. Jozef Kroner and the Kroner Family). [Zuzana Bakošová-Hlavenková and team of authors]. Bratislava : Theatre Institute, 2012, pp. 261–267, ISBN 978-80-89369-42-3.
- FEKETE, Vladislava. Festival v pohybe (ako festivalom podporovať novú drámu a nové divadlo) (A Festival in Motion – how a festival can foster new drama and new theatre). In Nová dráma/New Drama 10 rokov (10 Years of Nová dráma/New Drama). Bratislava: Theatre Institute, 2014, pp. 9–16 (in Slovak and English). ISBN 978-80-89-369-67-6.
Book translations
- ŠLJIVAR, T. Sme ako tí, pred ktorými nás rodičia varovali (We Are Like Those Our Parents Warned Us Against) Theatre Institute: Bratislava, 2016, 88 pages, ISBN 978-80-89369-94-2
- JOVIĆEVIĆ, A – VUJANOVIĆ, A. Úvod do performatívnych štúdií (Introduction to Performance Studies). Bratislava: Theatre Institute, 2012, 206 pages. ISBN 978-80-89369-24-9.
Artworks and art output (Slovak and international)
a. published translations of dramatic texts abroad
- FEKETE, Vladislava. Kratke veze. In Nova slovačka drama. Novi Sad : Sterijino pozorje, 2018, pp. 128–145. ISBN 978-86-85145-60-5.
- FEKETE, Vladislava. Prežitie – Opstanak – Survival. In Nový život – Mesačník pre literatúru a kultúru (New Life – Literature and Culture Monthly), Republic of Serbia, No. 11–12, 2017, pp. 12–35, ISSN 0351-3610
- FEKETE, Vladislava. Krátke spojenia (Brief Connections). In Nový život – Mesačník pre literatúru a kultúru (New Life – Literature and Culture Monthly), Republic of Serbia, No. 7–8, 2017, pp. 10–32, ISSN 0351-3610
- FEKETE, Vladislava. Krótkie spięcia. In Nowy dramat słowacki. Warsaw: Instytut Lingwistyki Stosowanej Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 2014, pp. 186–218, ISBN 978-83-928428-3-5.
- FEKETE, Vladislava. Kratki stiki. In Sodobna slovaška drama, Maribor : SNG, 2011, pp. 101–161, ISBN 978-961-92715-4-4.
- FEKETE, Vladislava. Brief Connections. In Game’s Not Over : New Czech Plays (Not Only) for Your Tablet – e-reader. Prague: Art Institute – Theatre Institute, 2011, pp. 578–616, ISBN 978-80-7008-031-3.
- FEKETE, Vladislava. Krótkie spięcia. In Dialog, Warsaw, Vol. 54, No. 10, 2009/2010, pp. 156–175, ISSN 0012-2041.
- FEKETE, Vladislava. Brief Connections. In European Theatre Today / Le Théâtre en Europe aujourd´hui. A Selection of the 120 Best Contemporary European Plays for the Stage / Une sélection des 120 meileures piéces de théâtre contemporain en Europe. Paris : ETC / European Theatre Convention, 9th edition, June 2010, DVD.
b. drama texts published in Slovakia
- FEKETE, Vladislava. Brief Connections, Krótkie spiêcia, Kurze Verbindungen. In Slovak Drama in Translation. Bratislava: Theatre Institute, 2013. [electronic optical disk (DVD-ROM)], ISBN 978-80-89369-65-2.
Also available on-line at https://slovakdrama.theatre.sk/f/fekete-vladislava.html
c. drama texts produced on theatre stages or in radio
- FEKETE, Vladislava. Kratki stiki. Plesni in gledališki center, premiere: 6 May 2016, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
- FEKETE, Vladislava. Malá vianočná panika (Little Christmas Panic) (SRO8 Rádio Litera station – 19 December 2012, SRO8 Rádio Litera – 22 December 2017).
- FEKETE, Vladislava. Krátke spojenia (Brief Connections) (Vltava 3 – Czech Radio, radio play), 18 May 2010, 2 April 2011, 18 August 2015.
- FEKETE, Vladislava. Krátke spojenia (Brief Connections), production in České Budějovice, 2009, repeat performances in 2010–2011.
d. direction and dramaturgy
- Ódy či frašky? (Ode or Farce?) (Európska únia očami drámy – European Union Through the Eyes of Drama), dramaturgy of the Theatre Institute project whose output included a book of the same title, 2015.
- CONFORTĖS, C. Marathon. Slovak Vojvodina Theatre, Bački Petrovac, Serbia, direction, 2010.
e. drama texts
- Prežitie – Opstanak – Survival, 2014, final shortlist of the Beverly Hills Screenplay Competition, Stage Play category; the play has been translated into English and Serbian.
- Malá vianočná panika (Little Christmas Panic), 2011 (radio play)
- Krátke spojenia (Brief Connections), 2009, awarded in the Alfréd Radok drama contest with the prize for best stage text; awarded by the prize of the Fund of Countess Kolowrat-Krakowsky; awarded a production prize (the play premiered in the South Bohemian Theatre in České Budějovice) and the prize of Czech Radio 3 – Vltava. The play was published in the Svět a divadlo journal (Czech Republic), Dialog (Poland) and stage readings took place in Poland and Austria. It has been translated into French, English, Serbian and Slovenian.
Conference contributions
a. international
- FEKETE, Vladislava. Does contemporary Slovak theatre still need a contemporary playwright? “Text and Theatre” international conference organized by the Czech Literature Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague 7–8 June 2018.
- FEKETE, Vladislava. New Theatre for a New Generation – the Nová dráma/New Drama festival and other forms of theatre expression in Slovakia. “New Theatre for a New Audience Generation” international conference organized by the A. A. Bryantsev Theatre of Small Spectators, St. Petersburg, Russia, 4 June 2018.
- FEKETE, Vladislava. Contemporary Slovak Dramaturgy. Colloquium as part of the ANALOGIO FESTIVAL. 16–18 September 2017 at the Zappeion Gardens, part of the 45th Athens Book Festival, Greece.
- FEKETE, Vladislava. Nová dráma/New Drama Festival Theatre Festivals international colloquium organized by EXPERIMENTA 17 TEATRO, 7–13 August 2017, Rosario, Argentina.
- FEKETE, Vladislava. Slovak Vojvodina Theatre – specific features of its origin, development and issues related to its future. International colloquium The Path Between the Traditional and Modern (facts and contexts) organized by the National Council of the Slovak national minority in the Republic of Serbia and the Theatre Institute Bratislava. 27 August 2016, Bački Petrovac, Serbia.
b. international in Slovakia
- FEKETE, Vladislava. Divadlo v konfliktných zónach / Theatre in Conflict Zones. 17. 5. 2018, Bratislava. A conference organized under ITI auspices and in collaboration with ITI National Centres in Uganda, Germany, Italy, Croatia and Sudan.
- FEKETE, Vladislava. Súčasná dráma a performatívny priestor: od textu k imerznému divadlu / Contemporary Drama and Performative Space: From Playwriting to Immersive Theatre. 12-13 May 2017, Bratislava. A conference organized by the Theatre Institute in collaboration with the Slovak Centre of AICT.
- FEKETE, Vladislava. Nová dramaturgia, nový dramaturg / New Dramaturgy, New Dramaturge II. 13. 5. 2014, Bratislava. An international conference of the Theatre Institute.
- FEKETE, Vladislava. Quo vadis divadelná kritika a divadelné časopisy / Quo Vadis Theatre Critique and Theatre Journals. 12. 5. 2016, Bratislava. An international conference of the Theatre Institute.
c. in Slovakia
- FEKETE, Vladislava. The Javisko journal – the monothematic period. “50 Years of the Javisko Journal” colloquium organized by the National Edification Centre in Bratislava, 5 April 2018.
- FEKETE, Vladislava. Zápas o emancipovanú dramaturgiu (A Struggle for Emancipated Dramaturgy). “New Dramaturgy, New Dramaturge II” conference, 14-15 May 2013, Bratislava.
Contributions in journals and catalogues
Founder and editor of kød – concretely øn theatre (published by the Theatre Institute as a monthly continuously since 2007)
a. in Slovakia
- FEKETE, Vladislava. Tu je divadlo! Zbierky a fondy Divadelného ústavu Bratislava. (Here’s Theatre! Collections and Funds of the Theatre Institute in Bratislava) Bratislava: Theatre Institute, 2018. 40 pages, brochure, ISBN 978-80-8190-038-9 (co-author and editor)
- FEKETE, Vladislava. Ecce theatrum! Archived Documents and Collections at the Theatre Institute. Bratislava: Theatre Institute, 2018, 40 pages, brochure, ISBN 978-80-8190-038-9 (co-author and editor).
- FEKETE, Vladislava. Som feministka, aktivistka, matka a umelkyňa (I Am a Feminist, Activist, Mother and Artist). [Interview with Lena Šimić] In kød – konkrétne ø divadle. Bratislava: Theatre Institute, 2016, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 3–11, ISSN 1337-1800.
- FEKETE, Vladislava. “Jubileum staršie o päť rokov (The Anniversary Five Years Later)”, In Malý divadelný kalendár (Little Theatre Calendar) 2016. Bratislava: Theatre Institute, 2015, non-paginated, not for sale.
- FEKETE, Vladislava. Obetovať Avignon by bolo zbytočné (It Would Be Futile to Sacrifice Avignon). [Festival d’Avignon, Avignon, France]. In kød – konkrétne ø divadle. Bratislava : Theatre Institute, 2014, Vol. 8, No. 8, pp. 29–33, ISSN 1337-1800.
- FEKETE, Vladislava. Moje obľúbené slovenské filmy (My Favourite Slovak Movies). In Film.sk. Bratislava : Slovak Film Institute, 2013, Vol. 14, No. 5, p. 2, ISSN 1335 – 8286.
- FEKETE, Vladislava: Slov/e-i/nské divadlo (Slo/venian/-ak Theatre). [Borštnikovo srečanje, Maribor, Slovenia]. In kød – konkrétne ø divadle. Bratislava: Theatre Institute, 2011, Vol. 5, No. 10, pp. 28–29, ISSN 1337-1800.
b. international
- FEKETE, Vladislava. 150. godina pozorišta u Petrovcu. Između tradicionalnog i modernog. Program proslave 150. godišnjice pozorišta u Bačkom Petrovcu / 150 Years of Theatre in Petrovac. Between the Traditional and Modern. Calendar of the Celebrations of the 150th Anniversary of Theatre in Bački Petrovac. Novi Sad : Nacionalni savet slovačke nacionalne manjine, 2016, 50 pages, ISBN 978-86-86263-17-9. [bilingual catalogue, editor and author].
- FEKETE, Vladislava. Kedysi šesť rokov, teraz šesť dní (Once Six Years, Now Six Days). In Taneční zóna (Dance Zone). Prague: Association for the Support of Publishing Contemporary Dance Review c/o Theatre Institute, 2016, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 68–75. ISBN 1213-3450.
- FEKETE, Vladislava. Odtlačky minulosti (Tracks of the Past). In Vrecková zbierka textov venovaných 150. výročiu slovenského divadla v Petrovci (Pocket Collection of Texts Dedicated to the 150th Anniversary of Slovak Theatre in Petrovac). Novi Sad: Hlas ľudu (People’s Voice), 2016, p. 3, ISBN 978-86-82513-38-4.
Organization of international and domestic events
a. scholarly
- Slovak Theatre Year (a research and art project) – head researcher; a priority project of the Theatre Institute supported by the Slovak Ministry of Culture, 2016–2020.
- 100th anniversary of the establishment of the Czechoslovak Republic, 50th anniversary of the Prague Spring, and the 25th anniversary of independent Slovakia (a research and art project) – head researcher; a priority project of the Theatre Institute supported by the Slovak Ministry of Culture, 2017–2018.
- Theatre in Conflict Zones (international research conference – head conference researcher; a conference of the Theatre Institute, Slovak Centre of ITI in collaboration with the National Centres of ITI in Uganda, Germany, Italy, 17 May 2018.
- Communication Strategies Used to Win Audiences in Performance Art (international research project) – head researcher of the Slovak team. International Conference of the ENICPA network in Bratislava (9–10 November 2017).
- Reclaimed Avant-garde (international research project) – head coordinator of the project for the Slovak party, (main organizer: Theatre Institute Warsaw), 2017–2019.
- 150 Years of the Theatre of Vojvodina Slovaks (research and art project) – one of the project coordinators; the project was supported by the government of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina (Republic of Serbia) and the National Council of the Slovak National Minority (Republic of Serbia), 2016.
- Quo Vadis theatre critique and theatre journals? (international research colloquium) – head researcher. Colloquium organized by the Theatre Institute, 2016.
- History of Slovak Drama in the 20th Century (research project) – head researcher, Theatre Institute, 2007–2011. The project won the Award of the Minister of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic for science and technology in 2012 in the “Science and Technology Team of the Year” category.
- Monitoring of Theatres in Slovakia – initiator of the project in which a network of Slovak critics was created in cooperation with the Slovak section of AICT and the Academy of Performing Arts(2006–present).
- European Photography (international research project) – general manager of the project and a copyright manager, 2012 – 2015.
- Contemporary Methods and Technologies in Documenting Theatre Art (international research conference) – head conference researcher, Theatre Institute’s conference, 28–29 November 2011.
- Festival as a (Creative) Industry (international research symposium) – head researcher of the symposium, Theatre Institute’s conference, 23 September 2011.
- Analogue vs. Digital (international research conference) – co-researcher; conference organized by the Theatre Institute in collaboration with KKB Slovakia, 18 May 2011.
- Stredoeurópska divadelná architektúra / Theatre Architecture in Central Europe. International project funded by the EU Culture 2000 programme – head project researcher for Slovakia, 2008–2011.
b. artistic
- Nová dráma/New Drama festival, art project / festival – festival director since 2007.
- Theatre Night (international art project) – head organizer for the Slovak party and founder of the project in Slovakia, since 2010.
- Touring Conference, Transport and Infrastructure in V4 Performing Arts (international art project of V4 countries) – main organizer for the Slovak party, 4–15 June 2016.
- Creative Writing Workshops – main organizer and founder of the nationwide Slovak project for children, since 2007.
- PLATFORM 11+ (international project funded by the EU Culture 2007–2013 programme) – head project manager for Slovakia, 2009–2013.
Organizing / holding expert lecture or workshop (home and abroad)
- FEKETE, Vladislava. Critical platform on the 2016–2017 theatre season. Hosting of and participation in an expert discussion, Touches and Connections Festival, 23 June 2017, Martin, Study in the National House.
- FEKETE, Vladislava. One Hundred Years of Slovak Professional Theatre. A project lecture at the Theatre Institute held for a broad expert audience, 13 September 2017.
- FEKETE, Vladislava. Theatre Festivals, an international colloquium organized by EXPERIMENTA 17 TEATRO, 7–13 August 2017, Rosario, Argentina.
- FEKETE, Vladislava. ANALOGIO FESTIVAL. 16–18 September 2017. Panel discussion about Contemporary Slovak Dramaturgy at the Zappeion Gardens, part of the 45th Athens Book Festival.
- FEKETE, Vladislava. How a Production is Born, a workshop commemorating the 150th anniversary of Slovak theatre in Vojvodina, Slovak Vojvodina Theatre, Bački Petrovac, 2016
- FEKETE, Vladislava. The Present of Theatre Past. A lecture at the Touches and Connections Festival, 25 June 2016, Martin, Study of the National House.
- FEKETE, Vladislava, 3 Times With Vladislava Fekete. Expert seminar, Stage Harvest and Pôtoň Theatre Bátovce, 6–7 September 2014, Bátovce.
- FEKETE, Vladislava. Talking about New Slovak Theatre, Archa Theatre Prague / Czech Republic, hosting an expert discussion, 9 December 2012
- FEKETE, Vladislava. Slovak theatre and the Theatre Institute Bratislava. A lecture at the international theatre festival Borštnikovo srečanje, Maribor / Slovenia, 2011, 17 October 2011.
- FEKETE, Vladislava. Standard and innovative ways of protecting cultural heritage in theatre art. A lecture at the Institute for the Culture of Vojvodina Slovaks, Novi Sad / Serbia, 8 April 2010.
Festivals and presentations (coordination)
a. in Slovakia
- Nová dráma/New Drama – festival of contemporary Slovak and international drama; festival director since 2007.
b. international
- Tanzmesse 2018, a dance art fair; the first presentation of Slovak dance and dance artists – manager of the Slovak presentation, 29 August – 1 September 2018.
- Rehearsal for Truth Festival, theatre festival of V4 countries, 27 September – 1 October 2017, New York, USA. Participation in the artistic and scientific programme for the Slovak party.
- SLOV:motion, Days of contemporary Slovak theatre and dance in Brussels – main organizer of the festival abroad, 29 September – 2 October 2016, Les Halles Brussels and La Bellone – Maison du Spectacle (House of Performing Arts); an event organized as part of the Slovak EU Presidency.
- Focus Slovakia, coordination of international presentations of Slovak theatre as part of the project in Seoul / Korean Republic (2012), Kerale / India (2014), New York / United States (2014), Novi Sad / Serbia (2010), Ljubljana / Slovenia (2011), Yokohama / Japan (2015), Athens / Greece (2017).
- New Drama Slovakia, showcase of contemporary Slovak theatre and drama at the Archa Theatre, Prague / Czech Republic, 10 December 2013 – main coordinator of the presentation.
- New Drama Slovakia, showcase of contemporary Slovak theatre and drama at the Archa Theatre, Prague / Czech Republic, 8–9 December 2012 – main coordinator of the presentation.
Participation in scientific, educational or artistic projects
a. in Slovakia
- Sixth Sense of Theatre: Slovak Stage Design and the Theatre Poster after 1989 – and exhibition project at the Slovak National Gallery in Bratislava, 22 October 2009 – 7 January 2010, author of the exhibition concept.
b. international
- China – CEEC Culture Season 2017 project. Locations: Shanghai, Wizhen, Guangzhou, Xi-’an, Beijing. Main organizers: Ministry of Culture of the People’s Republic of China and the Chinese Centre of ITI. Participants: Platform 16 plus 1 (16 European countries and China), Objective: Cultural, scientific and artistic exchange. Participation in conference panels: Avant-garde Forum of International Theatre Wuzhen, Future cooperation projects at the Guangzhou international festival, China Arts Festival v Xi-’an, Nanluoguxiang Theatre Festival in Beijing, October 2016.
- Between the Traditional and Modern (150 years of theatre in Vojvodina, Republic of Serbia). Co-author of the concept of the anniversary of theatremaking and expert editor of the catalogue Between the Traditional and Modern – Calendar of the Celebrations of the 150th Anniversary of Theatre in Bački Petrovac (first edition), published by: National Council of the Slovak national minority in the Republic of Serbia. Project duration: May 2016 – December 2016.
- Focus Slovakia, curator of the artistic programme of the presentation of Slovak theatre at the 46th international theatre festival Borštnikovo srečanje (Maribor, Slovenia), 2011.
- Beyond Everydayness, member of the organizing team of the exhibition project, 2010–2011 (Prague–Budapest–Bratislava–Warsaw).
Membership in committees, councils, organizations, foundations in Slovakia and abroad
- International theatre festival DIVADLO, Pilsen / Czech Republic – member of the dramaturgy board for international theatre
- Theatre journal Svět a divadlo (World and Theatre), Prague / Czech Republic – member of the editorial team for international theatre
- New Life – cultural journal of Vojvodina Slovaks, Novi Sad / Serbia – member of the editorial team
- Culture Committee of the Office for Slovaks Living abroad of the Slovak Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bratislava / Slovakia – member of the preparatory committee
- AICT – member of the Slovak section of the international critics’ network
- ITI – International Theatre Institute – member of the International Playwrights’ Forum (IPF) section
Membership in selection committees or expert juries
- 67th Festival of professional theatres in Vojvodina, member of the expert jury, 3–9 April 2017
- Chair of the international jury at the 55th MESS international theatre festival in Sarajevo / Bosnia and Herzegovina, (2–11 October 2015)
- Member of the Selection Committee of Slovak theatres at the Divadelná Nitra international festival in 2007–2010.
- Member of the jury at the Biennale of Theatre Photography since 2012 (4 events)
- Member of the expert jury for the DRAMA competition – best dramatic text in Slovak and Czech, since 2007 (11 events).